Cheap Date and Mystery Symptoms

It might just be me, it might be the SPD talking, but even one glass of wine goes "straight to my head." A few weeks ago, I decided it would be a good idea to have wine with dinner, just one glass, just because I was using it for the sauce of my chicken picatta. I poured a glass for me and one for Josh, and we had dinner. By the end of the meal, about 1/4 of the glass remained, so I tossed it back quickly in an effort to be done and clean up. Colossal mistake. Josh said it reminded him of when non-SPDers get drunk, but the time lapse was way shorter. About 5 minutes after my innocent drink of wine, I was pretty much flat-out drunk. Seemingly funny, but also a bit disconcerting. I'd love to know whether or not this has something to do with my grand ole sensory stuff.

Also coming up is a trip to the neurologist. For years now, I've had these mini seconds-long "episodes," for lack of a better term, where I feel buzzing on the left side of my head, causing my head to pitch forward, speech to stop, and my equilibrium to be completely lost. If you didn't know I was having one of these "episodes," I'm sure you'd hardly notice, but they leave me feeling pretty beat and a bit shaken-up. In the past two weeks, they've occurred four times. My OT said she's never heard of such things, and my SPD pal D. said they were also unfamiliar to him. I wonder if they're somehow related to the weird wiring of my sensory system . . . will keep you all posted.

I know it's been a while since my last post - D. even checked in on me lately, just to ensure I was still alive/all about our cause, and of course I am, but my first semester of graduate work is coming to a close (finals this week!) and Josh and I have begun wedding planning . . . so it's a bit hectic, to say the very least.

Over winter break, I hope to re-begin my listening program - this time, sans vibrations - that went so well last time - and I need to get a pilates ball for my moro exercises - which I believed I described in an earlier post, but am blanking now as I write :-)

Anxious times are tough for us SPDers . . . all sounds become painful, all movement becomes distracting, it all leads to frustration. I'm doing my best to stay calm in the midst of the (happy) chaos, and continue to remind myself how lucky I am to finally have a diagnosis. This year has meant many things: the start of a new career and education to match, the dedication of a life-long relationship, and most thankfully, after 27 years, being told that yes, I am in fact somewhere in the realm of normal. I'm a woman with SPD. Lucky me :-)


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