My Podcast Episode with SPD Parent Zone

Back in August, the co-Founder and President of the non-profit SPD Parent Zone, Kelly Jurecko, asked me to be the third interviewee on her organization's newly-founded podcast. This was huge news. I was told I'd be following in the recorded footsteps of community giants Carol Kranowitz, author of The Out-of-Sync Child series, and Dr. Lucy Jane Miller, Founder and Executive Director of the Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation. 

It is a tremendous honor to have my voice follow the words of these wonderful women. Kelly once called me "The Temple Grandin of SPD" - an unparalleled compliment that I continue to treasure, and I am thankful for this unique opportunity to share my voice, my ideas, and my experiences.

Here is the podcast episode itself. It's about 50 minutes long and details my own story, as well as my experiences engaging with SPD adults, treatment modalities, research findings, and ways to reframe the SPD adult experience. 

The show notes are still being updated and edited, but you can find the link on SPD Parent Zone's website

I look forward to hearing your comments and continuing the important dialogue on SPD and adulthood. 


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